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Example of ineffective discussion facilitation
Give no warning
No preparation time for students
No time to synthesize ideas
No time to prepare
No time to build confidence
Ask ineffective questions
Ask undirected questions
Ask leading or yes/no question
Ask rhetorical questions
Ask for a pre-determined answer
Rush to judge
Pose closed question
Praise or blame too much
Lose neutrality
Rush to conclusion
Dominate the discussion
Answer questions yourself
Undermine valid ideas
Use physical authority inappropriately
Use discussion as a personal springboard
Examples of effective discussion facilitation
Provide a clear invitation We can use:
Next Tuesday...
The topic is...
The question is...
Our discussion rules...
Break the ice We can use:
Hi there
How are you today?
Ready for the class discussion?
Can you help us here?
Welcome individuals and make introductions We can use:
Please share with us...
Can you say more about that?
Please join this discussion.
Had an interesting point about
Work the room, remain neutral We can use:
Interesting point
Be purposeful and flexible We can use:
This is not a discussion about...
Let's return to...
Let's summarize our discussion so far...
Additional techniques for EMI
Encourage the use of notes
You can use any notes you want for the discussion.
Use pair sharing
Now in pairs prepare your first point.
Think-pair-share (TPS) is a collaborative learning strategy where students work together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading. This strategy requires students to (1) think individually about a topic or answer a question; and (2) share ideas with classmates. Discussing with a partner maximizes participation, focuses attention, and engages students in comprehending the reading material. from Reading Rockets
Repeat and paraphrase
I heard two points there...
In other words...
Let's review our discussion so far...
Build a written record of the discussion