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In a large-scale, anonymous class, a student with difficulty understanding the language will be easily distracted and frustrated. Faced with an hour-plus lecture delivered in a language, not their own, students are almost certain to simply refer to their textbook and ignore the professor. Their behavior may seem unconscionable, but recall that listening alone is a very limited medium of student learning whether you are introducing, explaining, demonstrating, or elaborating.
Techniques for large-lecture engagement
1. Vary interaction modes
One very simple way to change your class interaction style is to rephrase the learning objective of the class as a question. Begin your class with this question and propose that you and the students explore it in class time. This lays the foundation for active learning.
I) Target interaction changes every 10 mins
Different interaction options
Student to student, individual work transitioning to pair sharing
Student to student, small group discussion to consensus
Student to students, one teaches many
Student versus student, group, rows, or sides of the classroom
Student versus student, one on one
II) Begin class with a question and start the student-to-student discussion
iii) Facilitate instead of lecture
Use formative assessment early and often
Can be used for any subject
Can be used every class
Can be low or high tech
Five formative assessment techniques
One minute summary
Muddiest point
Focused listing
In-class poll
Ungraded quiz
Encourage student cooperation
Use peer instruction
Plan cooperative learning and assessment
Incentivize cooperation
Peer instruction methods
Think, pair, share
Answer exchange
Brainstorm and debate
Cooperative learning Cooperative learning and assessment can be easily built on formative assessment activities as well. Here is an example. Cooperative activities lead to team teaching, projects, and presentations. Team competition provides an incentive.
iv) Plan accordingly
One hour per lesson planning time
Develop lessons over time
Refine based on experience
Always teach to the class, adapt the plan
2. Organize and monitor teams
I) Balance for language level
II) Allow for mixed-language discussion
iii) Evaluate participation
IV) How to create balanced team
Conduct a self-survey on the first day of class
After changing period, create teams of 4-8 students with varied English abilities
Communicate teams with fixed seating chart
Ask students to create a unique team name
Mark attendance and participation on a team-based sheet